Course Information

Using Ultrasound Guidance for Deep Peripheral Nerve Blocks

By |2022-08-30T19:04:41-05:00September 24, 2021|Course Information|

Maverick Medical Education is committed to teaching different forms of pain relief in our courses, but also ensuring that our students receive all the tools and skills they need for each encounter with a patient to be successful. Through repetition in our courses like our Regional Anesthesia Essentials and Advanced, students get the hands on experience they need to build proficiency, but we also use additional tools, like ultrasound for perfect placement, every time.

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Identifying Knee Dislocation with POCUS

By |2022-08-30T19:06:32-05:00September 15, 2021|Course Information, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|

As Point of Care Ultrasound becomes more widely used, those who have been trained in using this technology, also referred to as POCUS, will be better able to diagnose and treat their patients. While many think of ultrasound only in the realm of obstetrics, POCUS can give great insight into what is taking place within a patient’s body, in real time, without transport and can give an ongoing view as different techniques or treatments are tried. One of the ways Maverick Medical Education uses POCUS with medical professionals is in the identification of knee dislocation.

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Benefits of Training with Pulsatile Cadavers

By |2024-05-01T19:32:56-05:00September 8, 2021|Pulsative Cadavers|

Not every medical education course has pulsatile cadavers available to practice on, simulating real life experiences when completing a medical procedure. In fact, only Maverick has this exact type of pulsatile technology because it is something unique to our training and is patent-approved. By acquiring high-quality cadavers and running our technology, students will learn exactly what to look for in a patient when performing a procedure, how the body responds to the procedure, and what modification may need to be made.

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Continuing Education: What It Is and Why It Is Important

By |2022-09-01T14:00:46-05:00July 27, 2021|Course Information, Course News, Maverick News|

Maverick Medical Education isn’t just passionate about teaching others pain relief methods. We are also passionate about making medical providers better versions of themselves, adding new knowledge, techniques, and trade tips that will serve the patients at each of their practices even better after the completion of one, or all, of our courses. Hand in hand with that, each medical professional has to continue their education beyond their years of schooling, through continuing education credits.

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Nerve Block: How Long It Lasts

By |2022-09-01T14:05:25-05:00July 20, 2021|Course Information, Course News, Regional Anesthesia|

One of the commitments our Maverick Medical Education team has made is to train medical professionals in pain management solutions that do not involve prescribing opioids. With more in the medical industry being taught a variety of solutions, including how to effectively administer nerve blocks, we can help our patients have better outcomes and put them at less risk for addiction. Is a nerve block really as good of a solution as we claim? With the way a nerve block works and the reduction in side effects, it is a great solution for a number of reasons.

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What We Teach: Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques

By |2022-08-31T21:37:18-05:00January 24, 2020|Course Information, Course News, Regional Anesthesia|

The founders of Maverick Medical Education saw a need within the community of students who were graduating from colleges and medical programs without a base knowledge of techniques in regards to pain alleviation and prevention. Our founders wanted to share the extensive knowledge they had gained through repeated practice and from working in nurturing environments that allowed them the ability to grow and develop their skills. By leaning on this experience, Maverick Medical Education was formed and several courses developed to teach medical practitioners, both fresh from school and experienced in their own practices, how to best meet their patients’ needs. One of the fundamental courses in that set is Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques.

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What We Teach – Advanced Pain Management: Chronic Pain Series III

By |2022-08-31T21:39:52-05:00January 17, 2020|Chronic Pain Management, Course Information, Course News|

The field of pain management grows by leaps and bounds every day. By leaning on the extensive knowledge of our Maverick Instructors, our students gain decades of experiences to draw on and learn the nuances that make pain management effective for our practitioners. Our courses are designed to provide that for medical professionals all over the country, through online modules and in person training. The Advanced Pain Management: Chronic Pain Series 3 was specifically designed to provide a comprehensive curriculum of pathology and interventions.

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What We Teach: Advanced Pain Management: Chronic Pain Series II

By |2022-08-31T21:42:00-05:00January 3, 2020|Chronic Pain Management, Course Information, Course News|

We would be doing our communities a disservice if we didn’t take time to share the knowledge and experience all of our Maverick Educators have gained over the years of practicing medicine. Similarly, we would be doing our communities and students a disservice if we stopped at a single Advanced Course discussing pain management techniques. Our second course focuses largely on pain that originates from the spinal column. The spine contributes to an extraordinary amount of work in the body, so it makes sense that the spine is particularly susceptible to pain from overuse, misuse, or other components of a patient’s day-to-day.

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What We Teach: Advanced Pain Management: Chronic Pain Series I

By |2024-08-17T23:05:44-05:00December 31, 2019|Chronic Pain Management, Course Information, Course News|

Maverick Medical Education is dedicated to providing quality and comprehensive courses to teach medical practitioners vital techniques. Our research is clinically and academically based and our instructors have decades of experience in the field, we understand the subtle nuances that impact pain management and diagnostic practices. While we cannot, and will not, provide a full course for the purposes of this article, a preview of our Advanced Pain Management 1 Course should provide a taste of how we can improve your skills and knowledge base.

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Meet the Maverick Instructors – Part 2

By |2022-08-31T21:50:56-05:00November 18, 2019|Instructors, Maverick News|

From reading about our first set of instructors, it is clear to see the passion Maverick Medical Education brings to teaching, guiding, and leading medical practitioners to more comprehensive, thorough, and cutting edge care. Our programs and courses are centralized around learning new methods to give your patients the best possible prognosis and treatment.

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