All of our Maverick courses have two components: online didactic modules and a hands-on lab. Learn more about our courses, the topics each cover, and their structure below.

We also offer the online didactic modules by themselves for many of our courses. Click here to learn more about them: Online-Only Courses

Regional Anesthesia – Essentials

30 CE’s
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Nerve Blocks Taught:
• Adductor Canal   • Axillary   • Femoral
• Genicular
   • Interscalene/Supraclavicular
• PENG/LFCN   • Popliteal Plexus
• Popliteal Sciatic

Regional Anesthesia – Advanced

28 CE’s
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Nerve Blocks Taught:
• Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Catheter Techniques & Management
• Erector Spinae   • Genicular   • Paravertebral
• PECs 1 & 2   
• Quadratus Lumborum   • Suprascapular

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

40 CE’s
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Topics Include:
• An Introduction to Ultrasound
• Cardiac Assessment   • eFAST Assessment
• Gastric Assessment   • Pulmonary Assessment

• US for Internal Jugular Access
• US Guided Vascular Access
• Venous Access

Chronic Pain Series

28-34 CE’s

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Chronic Pain Series Courses:
• Basic Fluoroscopy Guided Injections
• Advanced Fluoroscopy Guided Injections
• Ultrasound-Guided Chronic Pain Injections

Essential Techniques & Point-of-Care Ultrasound COMBO Course

62 CE’s
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Nerve Blocks Taught:
• Adductor Canal    • Axillary    • Femoral    • Genicular    • Interscalene/Supraclavicular    • PENG/LFCN
• Popliteal Plexus    • Popliteal Sciatic

POCUS Topics Include:
• An Introduction to Ultrasound   • Cardiac Assessment   • eFAST Assessment   • Gastric Assessment
• Pulmonary Assessment    
• US for Internal Jugular Access   • US Guided Vascular Access
• Venous Access