Maverick Medical Education offers top-notch courses that focus on ultrasound-guided nerve blocks and point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) assessment. Our courses provide additional education on pharmacology, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and the use of ultrasound when performing regional nerve blocks and POCUS. These courses exceed the new COA requirements for training SRNAs!

Maverick utilizes the “flipped classroom” style of education in which students will complete their interactive online didactic modules prior to scheduled lab dates. Students will practice their skills using our patented pulsatile cadavers and live models in a hands-on learning environment with expert Maverick instructors.

Courses offered to students include Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques, and Point-of-Care Ultrasound with Vascular Access.

Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques

Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques teaches the basics of regional anesthesia, including ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. The course covers a wide range of topics, including ultrasound physics, anatomy, image interpretation, and needle guidance techniques to perform 9 basic regional nerve blocks. These blocks are: Interscalene, Supraclavicular, Axillary, Adductor Canal, PENG/LFCN, Genicular, Femoral, Popliteal Plexus, Popliteal Sciatic.

Maverick offers the only nerve block CE course with human specimen pulsatile cadaver training, allowing students to perform all blocks taught with maximum realism.

POCUS with Vascular Access

POCUS with Vascular Access teaches the crucial skill of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) as an assessment tool. The course covers the basics of ultrasound physics and anatomy, as well as the specific applications of POCUS in the following areas: Gastric assessment, Peripheral Vascular access, Internal Jugular access, Cardiac assessment, Pulmonary assessment, eFast assessment, and DVT assessment.

After completing our course, you’ll be able to make faster and more accurate diagnoses, improve outcomes, and send home happier and healthier patients.

The Hank Dougherty Memorial Scholarship was created to honor the late CRNA pioneer who helped lead Maverick Medical Education into the world of Ultrasound. We honor our late partner by continuing his legacy for his love of students. Each course allows 4 SRNAs to attend at the Hank Dougherty rate. These slots go very fast!