

Our Cancellation Policy

Maverick Medical Education was founded on the idea of helping medical professionals learn pain relief techniques that will serve their patients and their communities through surgery, medical procedures, injuries, and on-going needs. Rather than holding on to the experience we’ve gained over the years through our own research, training, and practice, we have built a team that is devoted to teaching as many others as we can, knowing we can help patients have better outcomes and healthier lives. This devotion to teaching is just one of the ways our program excels. Combined with our flipped classroom model, with content available immediately upon registration through online modules and hands-on practice during our lab time together, Maverick Medical Education provides quality instruction and support for each of our students.

By |February 18, 2021|Categories: Maverick News|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Our Cancellation Policy

Types of Nerve Blocks We Teach

With a number of courses, ranging from pain management to point of care ultrasound, our Maverick Medical Education team gets questions about the skills and techniques our students will walk away with. In addition to the knowledge we give in each of our courses, we provide students with the opportunity for hands-on training and in person guidance from our skilled Maverick Instructors. Our Regional Anesthesia Essentials and Advanced courses train on a number of nerve blocks to provide experience in providing pain relief.

By |February 16, 2021|Categories: Course Information, Regional Anesthesia|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Types of Nerve Blocks We Teach

Side Effects of Using Opioids

One may expect to hear agreement that the use of opioids is bad, but the reasoning behind that may not be as well understood. Opioids, even when used on a short term, can have a number of negative side effects that aren’t talked about enough. At Maverick Medical Education, we want medical professionals and the general public to be knowledgeable about what those effects may be.

By |January 26, 2021|Categories: Maverick News, Pain Management|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Side Effects of Using Opioids

Identifying Shoulder Dislocation with POCUS

Point of Care Ultrasound continues to assist in the medical practice in a number of ways. Not only does POCUS allow for better imaging and diagnosis from the start, but the ability for imaging to continue to take place during and after a procedure is crucial to patient outcomes. Maverick Medical Education sees application for POCUS in numerous ways and urges all medical practitioners to become familiar with how this technology can benefit patients in all fields. POCUS can help significantly with identifying and treating a fairly common clinical presentation, shoulder dislocation.

By |January 12, 2021|Categories: Course Information, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Identifying Shoulder Dislocation with POCUS

Regional Anesthesia: Alternative to Opioids

From immediate physical issues that come with opioid use to long term changes from addiction to these pain-relieving medications, opioids can lead to more problems than any patient would like to deal with. When alternatives are available, like regional anesthesia, patients can get the pain relief they need without the negative effects and can heal and recover efficiently and safely. Maverick Medical Education is focused on reducing the number of opioids prescribed and teaching alternatives that work.

By |December 24, 2020|Categories: Course Information, Pain Management, Regional Anesthesia|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Regional Anesthesia: Alternative to Opioids

Implementing Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks

Maverick Medical Education believes that equipping more medical practitioners with the skills to provide a number of nerve blocks for their patients will decrease patient pain and increase patient satisfaction. Maverick Medical Education also believes that ultrasound, in many forms, provides medical practitioners with the knowledge of what is happening inside of a patient’s body, leading to better diagnoses and outcomes. When combining the two, the prognosis of the patient increases, allowing for even better pain management and recovery. How can ultrasound guided nerve blocks be implemented in your practice?

By |December 22, 2020|Categories: Course Information, Pain Management|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Implementing Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks


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