

Using POCUS to Determine Abdominal Treatment

There had to have been countless times when doctors and those involved in medicine in ancient times would say, “If only I could look inside my patient and see what was going on!” We live in a time when seeing inside our patients is not just possible, but becoming more common, especially with the assistance of Point of Care Ultrasound.

By |November 4, 2021|Categories: Course Information, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Using POCUS to Determine Abdominal Treatment

Maverick Medical Education Partners

Maverick Medical Education cannot rely solely on the experience and information we possess as medical providers. We also have to use tools and technology to expand on those skills. Through trial and error, we have chosen several companies to partner with, knowing these groups will help us and our students be more successful in managing pain and helping their patients, wherever they may practice.

By |October 19, 2021|Categories: Course Information|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Maverick Medical Education Partners

Identifying Cardiac Issues with POCUS

Point of Care Ultrasound is becoming more commonly used throughout the medical field and even beyond the four walls of the hospital and professional buildings where doctors, nurses, and technicians do a majority of their work. One of the many promising ways POCUS is being used, by our Maverick Medical Education trainees and medical professionals across the country, is the use in identifying and working through cardiac issues with our patients.

By |October 13, 2021|Categories: Course Information, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Identifying Cardiac Issues with POCUS

Using Ultrasound Guidance for Deep Peripheral Nerve Blocks

Maverick Medical Education is committed to teaching different forms of pain relief in our courses, but also ensuring that our students receive all the tools and skills they need for each encounter with a patient to be successful. Through repetition in our courses like our Regional Anesthesia Essentials and Advanced, students get the hands on experience they need to build proficiency, but we also use additional tools, like ultrasound for perfect placement, every time.

By |September 24, 2021|Categories: Course Information|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Using Ultrasound Guidance for Deep Peripheral Nerve Blocks

Identifying Knee Dislocation with POCUS

As Point of Care Ultrasound becomes more widely used, those who have been trained in using this technology, also referred to as POCUS, will be better able to diagnose and treat their patients. While many think of ultrasound only in the realm of obstetrics, POCUS can give great insight into what is taking place within a patient’s body, in real time, without transport and can give an ongoing view as different techniques or treatments are tried. One of the ways Maverick Medical Education uses POCUS with medical professionals is in the identification of knee dislocation.

By |September 15, 2021|Categories: Course Information, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Identifying Knee Dislocation with POCUS

Benefits of Training with Pulsatile Cadavers

Not every medical education course has pulsatile cadavers available to practice on, simulating real life experiences when completing a medical procedure. In fact, only Maverick has this exact type of pulsatile technology because it is something unique to our training and is patent-approved. By acquiring high-quality cadavers and running our technology, students will learn exactly what to look for in a patient when performing a procedure, how the body responds to the procedure, and what modification may need to be made.

By |September 8, 2021|Categories: Pulsative Cadavers|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Benefits of Training with Pulsatile Cadavers


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