
Step-by-Step Guide to a Lung Ultrasound

By |2022-08-29T21:51:12+00:00April 26, 2022|Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|

Point of Care Ultrasound, or POCUS, can be utilized to discover patient needs and monitor their needs in almost every field of medicine. Maverick Medical Education provides medical professionals with this specialized training. Once the basics of POCUS are learned, there are immeasurable ways to apply it to your practice, like in lung ultrasound.

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Benefits of Training with Pulsatile Cadavers

By |2024-05-01T19:32:56+00:00September 8, 2021|Pulsative Cadavers|

Not every medical education course has pulsatile cadavers available to practice on, simulating real life experiences when completing a medical procedure. In fact, only Maverick has this exact type of pulsatile technology because it is something unique to our training and is patent-approved. By acquiring high-quality cadavers and running our technology, students will learn exactly what to look for in a patient when performing a procedure, how the body responds to the procedure, and what modification may need to be made.

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Benefits of Using Cadavers in Training

By |2023-09-05T15:23:05+00:00April 26, 2021|Course Information, Course News, Pulsative Cadavers|

There is no secret that Maverick Medical Education wants to provide the best. We want the best for students, the best for trainings, and the best for the community at large. By being thoughtful about the pedagogical decisions we make, like making our course content accessible ahead of time, front loading the academic work, so our time in person can be spent practicing techniques, we know we are providing the best we can. This drive for the best carries over to every aspect of the lab, including using cadavers for modules and learning.

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What We Teach: Point of Care Ultrasound

By |2022-08-31T21:55:15+00:00October 16, 2019|Course Information, Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)|

The medical field is defined by revolutionary advances, discoveries, and adjustments, which lead to better diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses of patients. Throughout medical history, there are some tools which standout as definitive points where a tool or device breaks down barriers in patient care. Called by some as the “stethoscope of this time”, Point of Care Ultrasound is an example of one of these definitive points. Maverick Medical Education educates and trains medical providers to be on the cutting edge of the use of point of care ultrasound, or POCUS.

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The Maverick Difference

By |2022-08-31T21:56:54+00:00October 2, 2019|Maverick News|

Maverick Medical Education knows there are better solutions, both to patient care and in regards to educating health professionals. This knowledge and passion for more drives Maverick to constantly improve and innovate. Maverick Medical Education offers education that is personal, adaptable, and impactful.

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