Medical Education

Using Ultrasound Guidance for Deep Peripheral Nerve Blocks

By |2022-08-30T19:04:41-05:00September 24, 2021|Course Information|

Maverick Medical Education is committed to teaching different forms of pain relief in our courses, but also ensuring that our students receive all the tools and skills they need for each encounter with a patient to be successful. Through repetition in our courses like our Regional Anesthesia Essentials and Advanced, students get the hands on experience they need to build proficiency, but we also use additional tools, like ultrasound for perfect placement, every time.

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Technical and Program Requirements

By |2022-08-30T19:45:03-05:00March 29, 2021|Course News|

One of the many advantages of doing continuing education and additional training with Maverick Medical Education is our flipped classroom model. Once you sign up for a course, your content learning is available at your fingertips for you to work through at a time that is most convenient for you. We find this is especially helpful for our medical community who often works odd hours and even odder shifts and need that mobility for learning. Once you have primed your brain with the content the course requires, we practice techniques face-to-face, giving you the guidance and repetition, you need for proficiency. There are a few technicalities to consider when accessing our courses.

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How to Prepare for One of Our Courses

By |2022-08-30T20:39:51-05:00May 27, 2020|Course Information, Course News, Maverick News|

We have no doubt that our courses will help you care for the needs of your clinic and patients in a fuller way. Once you decide on a course, or several courses, you can begin learning immediately. However, there are a few tips and tricks to prepare for one of our Maverick Medical Education courses, both remotely and in person.

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What We Teach: Advanced Regional Anesthesia

By |2022-08-31T21:34:43-05:00February 7, 2020|Course Information, Course News, Regional Anesthesia|

Maverick Medical Education is committed to getting members of the community out of pain and back to their regular lives in any way possible. So firm is our commitment, we train other providers in the techniques we have mastered along the way. Our courses are on the cutting edge of medial practices. Once our Essentials course is completed, students have the option of continuing their education with our Advanced course, to further their skills and knowledge.

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What We Teach: Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques

By |2022-08-31T21:37:18-05:00January 24, 2020|Course Information, Course News, Regional Anesthesia|

The founders of Maverick Medical Education saw a need within the community of students who were graduating from colleges and medical programs without a base knowledge of techniques in regards to pain alleviation and prevention. Our founders wanted to share the extensive knowledge they had gained through repeated practice and from working in nurturing environments that allowed them the ability to grow and develop their skills. By leaning on this experience, Maverick Medical Education was formed and several courses developed to teach medical practitioners, both fresh from school and experienced in their own practices, how to best meet their patients’ needs. One of the fundamental courses in that set is Regional Anesthesia Essential Techniques.

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