Maverick Medical Education would be doing a disservice to those enrolled in our classes if we were not continuously advancing and testing old and new blocks and methods to provide pain relief. Continued advancement sometimes involves learning more about a commonly known and used block, which can be even more effective at helping in certain scenarios. The paravertebral block covers many of the same needs as an erector spinae block, as Maverick Medical Education firmly believes both are important for a pain management toolbox.
What does it do?
The paravertebral block has been around since 1905 and was utilized to perform abdominal surgeries through the first half of the last century. The space located on either side of the vertebral column is easily accessible for the block, and the resulting numbing from the block can help prevent or manage pain for different procedures and surgeries. Some of the most common, as of this point in time, are thoracic surgeries, breast surgeries, appendectomies, renal and ureteric surgeries, and even some minor cardiac surgeries. A crucial element of this block is that it does not result in motor weakness of the extremities. It is also less commonly associated with nausea and vomiting post-surgery, allowing better recovery.
Why does it help?
This block is helpful for a variety of conditions. Likewise, pain management through blocks, such as the paravertebral block and other methods, can be portions of well-rounded programs. As in the case of any block, complications such as infection, discomfort at the injection site, allergic reactions, and other concerns can happen but are uncommon when following proper procedures. This is also a safe block for children. Moreover, this block “produces ipsilateral somatic and sympathetic nerve block due to a direct effect of the local anesthetic on the somatic and sympathetic nerves in the TPVS, extension into the intercostal space laterally, and the epidural space medially.”
Why is it taught?
This block is fairly straightforward to learn, making it ideal for students looking to add to their knowledge of different blocks to help their patients and communities. It is also reported to be safer and easier than a thoracic epidural, helping both the patient and the provider. As Manoj K. Karmakar states, “Thoracic paravertebral block is technically easy to learn, has a high success rate, regardless of the number of blocks performed, and does not appear to be operator-dependent. This block is also safe for patients, both sedated and awake and can also be administered in several different positions, depending on the scenario. Ultrasound-guided placement, which Maverick Medical Education uses extensively in our training and practices, is encouraged and is helping medical professionals see the utility of this block.
Maverick Medical Education is committed to teaching as many effective blocks as possible to bolster the pain management and pain relief skills of professionals across the country. By registering for one of our courses, you gain expert advice, knowledge, and practice to perform these blocks in your own communities. To learn more about Maverick, contact us today.