Tips for Perfecting Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Maverick Medical Education’s courses are deliberately thought out to provide the best education for those who enroll with us. The flipped classroom model that gives lecture instruction ahead of time, through modules accessible from any internet connected device, primes the lab time where students will get hands-on training from our esteemed Maverick Instructors. Perfecting these skills takes time and our instructors are passionate about passing their knowledge and training to each new course.
Occipital Nerve Block: Procedure, Benefits, and Side Effects
Too many of our population suffer with chronic migraines with little to no relief. While there are some home remedies that can ease the pain that comes with some headaches, it is worth considering an occipital nerve block for patients who are suffering from regular and persistent pain. The occipital nerve block is not only easy to learn in our Maverick Medical Education courses, but easy to administer to patients who are in need of relief.
Why You Should Choose Maverick Medical Education
Maverick Medical Education is focused on helping medical providers learn advanced techniques to better serve their patients and communities with pain management and point of care ultrasound. Our fine-tuned education practices are intentionally chosen to ensure maximum delivery of our knowledge and skill set. We are confident that our students walk away from our courses able to put the skills learned in practice on their very next day at work.
Improving Analgesia with Regional Anesthesia
Breast cancer, unfortunately, is more prevalent and impacting more women every year. While every patient will choose, with their medical team, a different course of action for treatment, many are choosing a surgical option to reduce the risk of future issues. With this emotional decision comes a number of concerns, including the typical post-surgical pain concerns. Maverick Medical Education teaches courses that help provide pain treatment and reduction for patients of all types and has seen an improvement in analgesia with the use of regional anesthesia.
Pulsatile Cadavers: How it Works
While there are certain medical procedures we can use patients for, in order to gain experience and to train different methods, there are many scenarios where it simply wouldn’t be appropriate. This is especially the case in Maverick Medical Education courses where repetition, when administering anesthesia and performing nerve blocks, is key to proficiency. It simply wouldn’t be safe for a patient to undergo. For this reason, our training courses use pulsatile cadavers.
Regional Anesthesia’s Impact on Cancer Survival
Anesthesia techniques extend far beyond the obvious of numbing an area to pain in order for a medical procedure to take place for the patient. From pre and post-operative care to assisting in healing long term there are a number of ways that anesthesia can benefit patients facing a number of medical concerns. There is a growing amount of research that shows regional anesthesia can have a positive impact on, not only care for cancer treatment patients, but on survival rates as well.