Maverick Medical Education

Too many of our population suffer with chronic migraines with little to no relief. While there are some home remedies that can ease the pain that comes with some headaches, it is worth considering an occipital nerve block for patients who are suffering from regular and persistent pain. The occipital nerve block is not only easy to learn in our Maverick Medical Education courses, but easy to administer to patients who are in need of relief. This procedure is typically used to target the occipital nerve which is responsible for pain felt in the back and top of the head.


This procedure can be done in a clinical setting and is relatively easy for trained professionals to perform. The patient will lie face down and have an area at the base of their head cleaned and sterilized to help prevent infection and to provide a small amount of pain relief at the injection site. A needle will be guided close to the occipital nerve and analgesic will be delivered to numb the area. Patients will want to wait a to ensure there are no immediate side effects and should be driven home by someone they trust. Full effects should be felt within a few days. Patients can repeat this procedure 3-4 times a year, as needed. No more is suggested to avoid more risk that come with steroidal use.


Any time a medical provider has the option of providing pain relief without prescribing opioids, there are a number of benefits to the patient. Other benefits are abundant. According to, many patients feel relief within 15 minutes of this short procedure being performed. Normal activities can resume the next day due to the ease of the nerve block and its minimal side effects. Some patients feel relief for months after the block is performed allowing for important tasks and regular life to continue without debilitating pain.

Side Effects

Any time you receive an injection, there may be pain or irritation at the injection site. Some patients may also, in rare cases, feel little to no relief after the nerve block is performed. This can be frustrating and patients need to know when to call their medical provider if they are still feeling pain. An allergic reaction is possible so patients with prior reactions will need to be fully informed of this possibility. Other, less common, side effects may be light headedness, numbness, or temporary nerve damage. Patients with diabetes, a heart condition, or are on blood thinners should consider alternative forms of pain relief.

To learn more about this procedure and the ways your patients can experience pain relief, contact our Maverick Medical Education team, today. Our courses teach a number of different blocks and procedures to assist your community in feeling less pain and having more functional and fulfilled lives. Our course catalogue is ready for you to register now.

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