Maverick Medical Education

Maverick Medical Education strives to give comprehensive learning opportunities to the medical professionals who enroll in our courses. Our desire is to be amongst the best certification courses and to provide the best in academic knowledge and practical skill. Many components factor into our learning opportunities, one being the use of cadavers in training sessions.

Cadavers are used in a number of Maverick Medical Education courses, along with live models and other simulation practices. In our courses, we use a flipped classroom model, front-loading students with content knowledge via online modules before assembling for practice with our instructors. With courses in pain management, point of care ultrasound, and regional anesthesia techniques, students can learn a number of skills that will help them grow and will serve their communities well.

Cons of Cadaver Usage

Cadavers can be expensive and typically have short shelf lives if not properly prepared. Fresh, non-embalmed specimens begin to deteriorate within 1-2 days and are quite foul smelling. Fully embalmed specimens last longer but do not have the texture, flexibility and tactile feedback from needling that is important for learning needle guided procedures such as nerve blocks. All states have regulations that narrow the venues for offering these classes, removing hotels and destination type seminars difficult. Medical schools, hospital Operating Rooms and willed body labs are typical venues. These obstacles cause most education companies to shy away from cadaveric specimen use with training.

Pros of Cadaver Usage

When properly prepared, the use of cadavers is second to none for proper Ultrasound procedural training. The tactile feedback from actual human tissue when passing needles to target anatomy cannot be simulated. Gel phantoms and other substrate trainers are very inferior to actual human tissue.  Lightly “fixed” or partially embalmed specimens lengthen the shelf life to several days, maintain suppleness of joints for positioning and maintain the proper tissue “feel” for the proper tactile feedback from a needle passing through actual human tissue planes. By making certain arteries “pulsatile” though Mavericks Patent-Approved technology the highest fidelity simulation on the market can be experienced. Maverick has partnered with the UNT health science center in Fort Worth TX who’s proprietary light embalming techniques and preparation all of our specimens to maximize training proficiency.

By using cadavers, according to the study mentioned, conditions are “excellent and repeatable” which is imperative to our educational opportunities. We want students to have multiple opportunities to learn and we want the same quality education for students who come to any of our courses.

Maverick Medical Education wants to train a new generation of medical providers in anesthesia, chronic pain relief, and point of care ultrasound. Our techniques are proven to be applicable to practices around the country and will help elevate your level of care. For more information, contact us today or sign up for our next course.

About the author : Maverick Medical Education