Maverick Medical Education

Behind the Maverick name is a group of men and women who truly believe the methods and courses we teach will revolutionize how our students treat those in their community. When we start a new course, we hope the students will find value in our instruction and are able to apply new techniques in their practices. Jamie Harris, CRNA, is one of our repeat students who can vouch for the application of these methods and how her patients are better for the courses she has taken. As she completes her fellowship through TCU, she is ready to push even further in the pain management and medical practice fields for the success Maverick sees.

Why did you decide to take a Maverick course?

Jamie states that her first desire in taking a Maverick course was to become efficient with ultrasound in order to improve patient outcomes and to improve post-operative pain for those she treats. By working with Maverick, she further solidified her belief that there are ways to improve the way a patient heals from injury or surgical intervention without using opioids and decreasing reliance on prescriptions.

What techniques were you taught and how did Maverick’s style of teaching help you succeed?

Jamie is an enthusiastic participant in the course Maverick offers as she has taken all of their courses so far. Her repeat enrollment is directly related to how Maverick’s style of teaching improves the ability to learn. By keeping classes small and having multiple opportunities with one-on-one instruction is irreplaceable. Additionally, these instructors want to teach and allow for students to practice methods, enabling the repetition needed for proficiency.

What was your favorite part of the course(s)?

Without a doubt, the favorite part of the course is the hands on nature of the teaching that takes place. “All didactic learning is done ahead of time, so I know when I get to the course in Fort Worth, I am [practicing] as soon as I get there, not listening to lectures for 8 hours a day.” A great help is the balance of that flipped model with the busy schedules most medical practitioners have. The modules are all online and can be done at the pace of the student as time allows, from anywhere they have internet connectivity.

Has taking a Maverick course impacted your career? If so, how?

In a word, absolutely. By learning how to be proficient with ultrasound, Jamie has become a great practitioner, helping her patients with pain. Additionally, because of the practice and methods she has been allowed through the Maverick courses, she has been called on in emergent cases to help save lives by putting in central lines or offering other assistance. Jamie also knows she is a value to her patients, getting them home and offering enhanced recovery which saves money and resources, in addition to helping them resume their day-to-day lives much more quickly than without the techniques she has learned.

Why do you think Maverick’s approach to continued medical education is effective and why would you recommend their course?

Jamie states that “as health care continues to chance, being able to do regional anesthesia will change patient outcomes.” This makes happy patients and happy hospitals, two things that every medical team is striving for. The methods taught in the various Maverick courses are revolutionary and cutting edge and, rather than catching up in a decade, Jamie is happy to be proficient now and to have this knowledge under her belt.

Jamie also believes that every medical provider should take the POCUS class offered by Maverick as point of care ultrasound becomes more standard with each passing year. From anesthesiologists being able to use ultrasound to guide needles to a surgical team being able to assess how far along digestion is when deciding when to perform surgery to using ultrasound to monitor a patient who still needs a diagnosis, this course is vital to medical practitioners wanting to better serve their patients.

To join us in one of our next courses, see our course schedule to determine which techniques are best suited for your practice. Our instructors and students continue to press forward in learning more about the medical field and would like to add more Mavericks to our team.

About the author : Maverick Medical Education