Maverick Medical Education considers every aspect of our training programs, knowing that our students want the maximum amount of learning, so they can better serve the patients in their communities. The choices we make are deliberate and provide distinct advantages for our courses. Whether we are promoting our flipped model classroom, providing hands-on training, or investing in high-quality cadavers, each course will train the next generation of medical providers to be their very best. Below are some of the benefits of training with pulsatile cadavers.
What is a pulsatile cadaver?
Not every medical education course has pulsatile cadavers available to practice on, simulating real life experiences when completing a medical procedure. In fact, only Maverick has this exact type of pulsatile technology because it is something unique to our training and is patent-approved. By acquiring high-quality cadavers and running our technology, students will learn exactly what to look for in a patient when performing a procedure, how the body responds to the procedure, and what modification may need to be made.
What differences does this make?
When using cadavers, a student can get a better learning opportunity through tactile feedback as their needle or instrument passes through the layers of the body. By adding pulsatile technology through certain arteries, an additional component of learning, through visual input, can be added. Performing these procedures with the assistance of ultrasound provides a better outcome for the patient, the same is true for the classroom setting in practicing these procedures. However, a live body exists and reacts differently. By adding pulsatile technology, some of the movement inside the body can be shown during this crucial practice.
Practice Means Proficiency
Students in our Regional Anesthesia Essentials and Regional Anesthesia Advanced courses could practice blocks and other pain relief practices on standard cadavers. They would learn a fair amount about how to perform the blocks and would walk away ready to become more proficient with time. By utilizing the pulsatile cadavers, they walk away proficient. This technology mimics the pulse they would see in the arteries around the areas they would be performing the procedure, helping them learn exactly what they should see and feel in their patients.
Learning Every Block
There are some blocks in our course that cannot be learned and practiced on a standard cadaver specimen. By utilizing pulsatile technology, our students won’t simply learn about these blocks in a theoretical way. Instead, we guarantee that they will be able to perform, with repetition, every single block our courses offer. We don’t offer a course that only provides book learning. Instead, we pair book and lecture based learning, front loaded, with lab and hands-on training, to guarantee you can return to your clinical or practice setting confident in your own abilities.
To learn more about our Regional Anesthesia courses or to see what other courses we offer, see our course page. If you know the course you want, for continuing education or for your own advancement, you can register for the next available opportunity and begin your module learning immediately, from any internet connected device. If you have questions, contact us, today.