The first, large case study for the use of the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) treating post-COVID symptoms was published by David Gaskin, CRNA, NSPM-C, Co-Owner of Maverick Medical Education and Owner of Republic Pain Specialists. This study was first published in April 2023 by Dove Medical Press. The study, “Stellate Ganglion Blockade for Persistent Olfactory and Gustatory Symptoms Post-COVID-19”, focused on the use of SGB as a treatment option for patients experiencing post-COVID symptoms, including parosmia and dysgeusia.
What is Parosmia and Dysgeusia?
Parosmia is a condition where individuals experience a distorted or altered sense of smell, while dysgeusia is an altered sense of taste. These symptoms have been reported as long-term effects of COVID-19, affecting many individuals’ quality of life.
The COVID Study
The study involved 195 patients with post-COVID symptomology, and they underwent reversible stellate ganglion blockade. The results were impressive, with 87.4% of the subjects reporting an improvement in olfaction post-injection. The findings of this study suggest that SGB could be a viable treatment option for post-COVID symptoms, particularly those related to olfactory dysfunction. This is particularly significant as these symptoms have been reported as some of the longest-lasting post-COVID symptoms, with many patients suffering from them for months or even years after their initial diagnosis.
Innovation in Post-COVID Symptoms
David Gaskin‘s involvement in this study highlights his dedication to exploring new and innovative treatment options for patients. As a minimally invasive procedure, SGB has the potential to improve the quality of life for many patients suffering from post-COVID symptoms. While further research is needed to confirm these findings, this study provides hope for those struggling with post-COVID symptoms and underscores the importance of continued research into innovative treatment options.
The Stellate Ganglion Nerve Block is taught in Maverick Medical Education’s Chronic Pain Series: Ultrasound Guided Injections. The Chronic Pain Series, along with the other courses offered by Maverick Medical Education provides multiple skills through a flipped classroom model, allowing for content instruction via online didactic modules before attending hands-on training with Maverick educators.
To learn more, contact Maverick Medical Education and see our course offerings online.