Maverick Medical Education is committed to providing training for those in the medical field who desire skills meant to prevent and alleviate pain in patients in their respective practices. Through our courses, various blocks, procedures, and techniques are taught, practiced, and refined to provide the best possible care. The quadratus lumborum is a posterior abdominal wall muscle, and by learning the block specifically targeting this area, medical providers can help patients in several ways.
What is the block?
Several approaches to this block are possible. Our Maverick Instructors are equipped with the best techniques to guide our students through practice to gain proficiency. Like all blocks, a review of the anatomy prior to administering is vital, as is a thorough application of safety and aseptic procedures. Positioning can vary depending on who is performing the block, and ultrasound guidance is necessary. The approach selected will determine factors such as needle length, angle, and trajectory. Most contraindications are the same as any other block, like the potential for site infection, bruising, or an allergic reaction, which in many cases can be managed.
What does it do?
This muscle is vital for body stabilization and spans from the pelvis to the lower part of the rib cage. This block is frequently used for intra-abdominal surgeries. Some common examples are patients undergoing a hysterectomy, exploratory laparotomy, and bowel resections. Research also exists suggesting that this block can be used for postoperative care to assist in pain management as recovery takes place. We teach these blocks to assist in surgical procedures, but we also work to teach non-opioid pain management techniques to prevent harmful side effects that come with this practice. According to Current Anesthesiology Reports, the use of this block “has shown reduced opioid requirements for cesarean sections, lower abdominal surgery, and hip surgery.”
Maverick Approach
Maverick Medical Education provides an opportunity for learning in a way that best meets the needs of those practicing medicine across the country. Our flipped classroom model allows students to access online modules at their own pace once they have registered for a course. These modules can be viewed and reviewed as needed. With content understood ahead of time, the hands-on practicum time with our Maverick instructors will allow for multiple attempts at each block or procedure covered by our course. This time is vital to becoming skilled at the blocks and our Mavericks are on hand to help.
To learn more about our courses, including our Advanced Regional Anesthesia course, which teaches the Quadratus lumborum block, see our course catalog. Registering for a course will give you immediate access to begin learning, and our courses will provide you with continuing education credits to help expand your practice. To learn more, contact us today!