Image for instructor Elisa Beth McNeill

Ph.D., CHES™

Dr. Elisa Beth McNeill, a Clinical Associate Professor of Pedagogy in the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University. Beth is a 40-year teaching veteran having experience with middle school, high school and at-risk pregnant and parenting adolescents and college students. She earned her masters’ degree and Principals Certificate in Educational Administration, as well as her PhD in Health Education. Beth is known for her innovative instruction and pedagogy expertise. She is a co-author of the textbook, Health Education: Creating Strategies for School and Community Health. Beth has multiple peer reviewed publications and has delivered hundreds of national and international presentations. Dr. McNeill has been a member of the TAMU Faculty Senate for ten consecutive terms and has served as caucus leader for the School of Public Health. Dr. McNeill has served on the Planning committee as well as the Personnel and Wellness committee. She also served as a member of the Committee on Faculty Investigations and was the faculty representative on the Transportation Services Advisory committee. Currently, Dr. McNeill is serving on the Academic Professional Track Hiring and Reclassification task force. Her extensive service with the faculty senate provides insights related to institutional knowledge useful for helping move the faculty forward. Dr. McNeill is highly involved in her profession having served on the boards of the American School Health Association and the National health Honorary-Eta Sigma Gamma. Most recently she co-chaired the Consensus Project to write the National Health Education Standards (3rd edition). McNeill and her team were Presented the Eta Sigma Gamma Honor Award for their work on this standards project and its contributions to the field of Health Education. Locally, she serves on the Board of the Brazos Valley Prenatal Clinic and the Weekday School Board for A&M United Methodist Church.

Publications, Research, & Credits


*Denotes Student

Teaching Techniques

  • *Holden, C, McNeill, E.B., Shipley, M., & *McDonald, S. (2018). The World Needs Me-A Suicide Prevention Teaching Technique. The Health Educator, 50(1), 38-45.
  • Shipley, M., Holden*, C.B., McNeill, E.B., Fehr, S.K. & Wilson, K.L. (2018). Piecing Together Behaviors of Healthy Relationships. The Health Educator, 50(1), 24-29.
  • *Szucs, L., *Reyes, J.V., *Farmer, J., Wilson, K. & McNeill, E.B. (2015). Friend Flips: A Story Activity About Relationships. American Journal of Sexuality Education. 10(3), 261-276. Doi:10.1080/15546128.2015.1049313
  • *Reyes, J.V., *Carreon, A.K., *Szucs, L., McNeill, E.B., & Wilson, K.L. (2015). Pedagogically Speaking: mHealth TXT MSG: Approaches to Accessing Health Information. Eta Sigma Gamma, The Health Education Monograph Series: Student Monograph, 32(1), 15-21.
  • *Szucs, L., Wilson, K.L., & McNeill, E.B. (2015). Using Muffin Pans to Promote Healthy Relationships. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 2(2). 55-81.
  • *Braly, V., *Amuta, A. & McNeill, E.B. (2015). A section of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model and Its Application in Fictional Podunk, Texas: A strategy for preparing future health education specialist to use planning models. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 2(2), 1-15.
  • Wilson, K.L, *Szucs, L., & McNeill, E.B. (2014). Bullying Isn’t a Roll of the Dice. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 1(4), 1-15.
  • McNeill, E.B, *Szucs, L. & Wilson, K.L. (2014). Cave Art: A Not So Prehistoric Lesson on Obesity. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 1(3), 1-13.
  • *Rosen, B.L., McNeill, E.B., & Wilson, K.L. (2014). Would You Rather (WYR), with a Sexual Health Twist. The Health Educator, 46(1), 11-21.
  • *Rosen, B.L., Wilson, KL., & McNeill, E.B. (2012). When friends self-mutilate. Health Education Teaching Techniques Journal, 2, 39-47.


Research Publications

  • Esquivel, C.H., Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., Exum-Smith, C., McMaughan, D.J., & McNeill, E.B. (2022). Using Human-Centered Design to Develop an Innovative Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program: Lessons Learned from a Case Study. Creative Education, 13(4), 1439-1457. DOI: 10.4236/ce.2022.134088
  • Esquivel, C. H., Wilson, K. L., Garney, W. R., McNeill, E. B., McMaughan, D. J., Brown, S., & Graves-Boswell, T. (2021). A Case Study Evaluating Youth Acceptability of Using the Connect–a Sexuality Education Game-Based Learning Program. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 1-27.
  • Szucs, L.E., Shipley, M. McNeill, E.B., Housman, J., & Vinal, C. (2019). Developing pre-service teachers’ cultural competency through urban immersion. American Journal of Health Studies. 32(2). ISSN: 10900500
  • Wilson, K.L., Szucs, L.E., Shipley, M., Fehr, S., McNeill, E.B., & Wiley, D.C. (2019). Identifying the Inclusion of National Sexuality Education Standards Utilizing a Systematic Review of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Curricula. Journal of School Health. 89(2), 106-114. doi: 10.1111/josh.127182018
  • Watts, T., Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B., Rosen, B.L., Moore, N.D. & Smith, M.L. (2016). Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Intentions to Engage in Vaginal Intercourse among Sexually Abstinent Missouri High School Freshman. Journal of School Health. 86(10), 751-758. Doi:10.1111/josh.12431
  • Lackman, J., Smith, M.L., McNeill, E.B. (2015). Freshman College Student’s Reasons for Enrolling in and Anticipated Benefits from A Basic College Physical Education Activity Course. Frontiers in Public Health 3:162. Doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00162.
  • Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D.C., Housman, J., McNeill, E.B., & Rosen, B.L. (2015) Conceptualizing and Implementing a Professional Development Pilot Program for Public School Teachers to Strengthen Sexuality Education. Journal for Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 1(4). 194-202.
  • DOI: 10.1177/2373379915583676
  • Smith. M.L., Smith, L.A., McNeill, E.B, & Wilson, K.L. (2013). Factors Associated with Acceptance of Sex Before Marriage Among High School Freshmen Who Have Not Experienced Sexual Intercourse.Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. Advance online article: doi: 10.3138/cjhs.2063
  • McNeill, E.B., & Eddy, J.M. (2005). Planning ADE: Implications from the literature on student perspectives. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 8, 70-79.

*Denotes Student

  • Birch, D., Videto, D. Priest & Catalano, H. (2023). Chapter 8: Promoting Health and Academic Success,Second Edition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. ISBN: TBD
  • Parvanta, C., Bass, S.B. (2017). McNeill, E.B.: Chapter 10. Health Communication: Strategies and Skills for a New Era. Sudbury, ME: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN-13: 9781284065879
  • Gilbert, G.G., Sawyer, R.G., & McNeill, E.B. (2015) Health education: Creating Strategies for School and Community Health. Fourth Edition. Sudbury, MA. Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1449698546
  • McNeill, E.B. (2014) Instructor Resources: Health education: Creating Strategies for School and Community Health. Fourth Edition. Jones and Bartlett.
  • *Fehr, S. & McNeill, E.B. (2013) Infectious disease: Control and prevention. In Wiley, D.C. & Cory, A.C. (ED). Encyclopedia of School Health. Sage Publications Inc.: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • McNeill, E.B. & Wagner, S.A. (2012) Physical Activity: Reward and punishment. In Wiley, D.C. & Cory, A.C. (ED). Encyclopedia of School Health. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Wagner, S.A. & McNeill, E.B. (2012) Lifetime Fitness Skills (P.E. for Life). In Wiley, D.C. & Cory, A.C.(ED). Encyclopedia of School Health. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Gilbert, G.G., Sawyer, R.G., & McNeill, E.B. (2011) Health education: Creating Strategies for School and Community Health. Third Edition. Sudbury, MA. Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 978-0-7637-5929-2
  • McNeill, E.B. (2004). Essentials of Health and Wellness: Computerized test bank. New York: Thompson Delmar Learning.
  • McNeill, B., & Benson, B. (1995). Teen sexuality: Responsible Decisions. Waco, Texas: Health EDCO, WRS Group, Inc.


  • Ph.D. Health Education - 2010 Texas A&M University-College Station

College of Education and Human Development- Department of Health and Kinesiology

Dissertation Title: The development of hope as an influence on behavioral intention to delay subsequent pregnancies in pregnant or parenting adolescents.


  • M.S. Educational Administration - 1989

Texas A&M University-College Station

College of Education and Human Development--Department of Educational Administration


  • B.S. Health Education

Texas A&M University-College Station

College of Education and Human Development--Department of Health and Kinesiology


  • 2017 - Present: Eta Sigma Gamma National Health Honorary (ESG-Fellow)
  • 2015 - Present: Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
  • 2007 - Present: American School Health Association (ASHA-Fellow)



Legend: C*-cross listed course with Kinesiology Division; O*- online course; SA*- study abroad; SD*- study domestic, W*- writing intensive course

  • Undergraduate:
    • UGST 181: Spark Your Brain & Body
    • KINE 120 SA*: Aerobic Walking-Finland, England/Ireland  
    • KINE 198W SD*: Aerobic Walking-New York
    • KNFB/HEFB 325 C*: Teaching Secondary Education
    • KNFB/HEFB 324 C*: Technology and Teaching Skills for the 21st Century Learner
    • KNFB/HEFB 450 C*: Student Teaching Supervision
    • HLTH 210: Introduction to the Discipline
    • HLTH/KINE 214 C*: Elementary Health and Physical Education
    • HLTH 216: First Aid
    • HLTH 332: Secondary School Health
    • HLTH 342: Human Sexuality
    • HLTH 342 O*: Human Sexuality
    • HLTH 421: Elementary Health Education 
    • HLTH 403 O*: Consumer Health
    • HLTH 415 W*: Health Education Methodology
    • HLTH 482 W*: Grant Writing
  • Graduate:
    • HLTH 641 O*: Foundations of Health Education 


  • 2023 - Fish Camp Namesake, Awarded for positive contributions to the mission of TAMU. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
  • 2018 - Emma Gibbons Legacy Award, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University
  • 2013 - Health Division Teacher of the Year, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University
  • 2010 - College/University Health Educator of the Year nominee. Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • 2009 - College-Level Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching,Texas A&M University
  • 2009 - Health Teacher of the Year, Health Teacher of the Year, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Division of Health, Texas A&M University
  • 2008 - Student Led Award for Teaching Excellence (SLATE), Texas A&M University
  • 2006 - Outstanding Panhellenic Professor Award, Collegiate Panhellenic Council, Texas A&M University
  • 2005 - Health Division Teacher of the Year, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University


  • May 2024 - Sydney; Cairns, Australia (Approved)
  • May 2020 & 2021 - Sydney; Cairns, Australia (Approved-Canceled in response to COVID-19)
  • May 2019 - Dublin, Ireland; Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • May 2018 - Dublin, Ireland; London, England
  • May 2017 - Helsinki, Finland; Tallinn, Estonia
  • May 2016 - Helsinki, Finland

For more information about Elisa Beth McNeill or Maverick Medical Education, contact us today.