Image for instructor Brian R Selai


Publications, Research, & Credits


University of Pittsburgh Nurse Anesthesia Program


No details currently available.


Worked in a rural indepedent practice in Ohio utilizing regional during the height of the opiod crisis. Provided education on regional and lectured for many state associations, and CE compaines such as Twin Oaks , LACES and Westen Reserve (now Block Buddy) over the last decade. Has been a guest lecturer for the University of Pittsburgh and USF pain program in the past. Traveled the country as a transitional leader for contracts owned by Envision, NAPA, Medinax, DPI, Capital, Northstar, and Sound Physicians. Licenced in over 20 states with work experience that rancges from critial access to the largestest metropolitan areas of the counrtry,

For more information about Brian R Selai or Maverick Medical Education, contact us today.