The online pre-learning program has been approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for 12.00 Class A CE credits. The proficiency lab program has been approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for 16.00 Class A CE credits. Course II is for those who have completed Course I or have already begun practicing some of the more basic chronic interventions and desire to increase their knowledge and skill set. Online topics covered (Online modules to open at least 6 weeks prior to lab):
  • Complex Pain Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Advanced Radiological Interpretation
  • Advanced Scientific Basis of Pharmacology
  • Red flags of pain management
Cadaver lab stations:  
  • Cervical ESI
  • Cervical Medical Branch Blocks
  • Cervical Facets
  • Thoracic ESI
  • Radiofrequency Ablation
  • Assessments & MRI Interpretation