Maverick Medical Education

Maverick Medical Education is dedicated to providing quality and comprehensive courses to teach medical practitioners vital techniques. Our research is clinically and academically based and our instructors have decades of experience in the field, we understand the subtle nuances that impact pain management and diagnostic practices. While we cannot, and will not, provide a full course for the purposes of this article, a preview of our Advanced Pain Management 1 Course should provide a taste of how we can improve your skills and knowledge base.

Our Educational Principles

All of our courses are front-loaded with information. By accessing our pre-course online module, we prime the brain by teaching and explaining the techniques. This time is supported by our instructors who are available to answer questions and clarify issues that may arise. The online instruction time is followed by in person practice with other students, allowing for repetition to learn the best techniques. Each of our courses is also broken up into manageable sections with video instruction given by one of our Maverick Educators and immediately followed by a quick activity to check for your understanding of the material given. This ensures that the knowledge you need to be successful is gained. This also allows for immediate access to relearn the material if there was a portion that felt unclear.

Course Content

Our Advanced Pain Management: Chronic Pain Series 1 Course covers a vast amount of content. By beginning with an overview of what pain is and the best options for evaluating and assessing pain, we provide a starting point for each medical encounter to begin. By discussing the source for pain, factors that influence pain, and different ways patients may communicate in regards to their pain, we hope to help our students understand how large the information base is for pain and pain management. Not all pain looks the same, feels the same, or is spoken about the same and it’s important for medical practitioners to understand this. From there, our course breaks down different parts of the body to discuss what pain may be caused by and how it may manifest in each joint, muscle group, or other common cluster. We are aware that there are plenty of resources online and in libraries that will help you learn content about the pain a patient may be experiencing, so we try to intersperse our knowledge throughout the online course. Interview questions which we find helpful when a patient comes to us seeking care are one way this takes place. Another way is by having check for understanding at the end of each module, but also found in a few portions of the lessons themselves. The end of our extensive course transitions into several techniques used for pain management, but digs deep into the different approaches each of these techniques has, what their benefits and risks are, and other pertinent content.

This course contains 12 different sections which will take a lengthy amount of each individual’s time but has the benefit of being accessible from any device with an internet connection. This allows for our busy community to sit down and learn during their own schedule, taking in content wherever they find themselves. Once this knowledge has been learned, our medical team takes over with hands on, interactive practice during our weekend portion of the course.

To sign up for the Advanced Pain Management: Chronic Pain Series 1 Course, please see our online form. Our schedule for upcoming classes is active so you can look closer at what courses will be best for you to provide top notch care for your patients.

About the author : Maverick Medical Education