Maverick Medical Education is on the cutting edge of regional anesthesia training, pain management techniques, and medical technology to help our communities live better, healthier, and pain-free lives. One of the best ways for us to continue staying on that cutting edge is to teach more medical professionals what we have learned through our years of practice and experience.
Staying in touch with each of you, those who have taken courses with us or may be interested in doing so in the future is vital to passing on what we know. Here are a few ways to stay connected with Maverick Medical Education.
Maverick Medical Education Newsletter
From announcing new courses and offerings and celebrating new accomplishments to sharing information from the medical world, our quarterly newsletter is one of the many ways we strive to keep Maverick students informed. Signing up for our newsletter is as easy as signing up for our courses and will give you immediate access to the great information we want to pass along.
Additional Maverick Resources
Not a fan of email? The Maverick website is another great resource for course information. Our website is regularly updated to provide up-to-date information about our courses and their availability. Browse our courses by provider type or by course to learn more.
We also update our blog frequently with information about our courses, specific techniques we teach, and other news about the Maverick team.
We encourage all of our students to follow Maverick on social media as well for the latest Maverick news and announcements.
Why Maverick Medical Education
There are a number of reasons why Maverick Medical Education has the reputation for quality that it does. Our courses are designed by experts in education – marrying our medical knowledge with foundational pedagogical principles thus allowing us to teach you more effectively and efficiently.
Our courses are also designed to be flexible as we understand that each of you has a busy schedule with responsibilities and commitments to honor. What’s more, the content of our courses, whether you are learning about pain management techniques or point-of-care ultrasound, will help your practice treat your patients better.
To learn more about Maverick or to inquire about our onsite programs and university programs, contact us today. We can help you improve your techniques and increase your knowledge of regional anesthesia, pain management, point-of-care ultrasound, and more.